Technology has become an increasing important facet of nearly every large enterprise. Both consumers and providers of technology solutions are faced with the complex task of developing service support structures that has specifically built for each business environment. Our multidisciplinary teams have both business and technical acumen that help our customers transform their technology operations, by first developing and implementing the frameworks; and executing on that plan.
By working with our clients, either independently or with their partners, we help them design service support environments underpinned by realistic agreements and measurement metrics that have been designed to meet the business’s objectives. At the same time we stress the importance of mutual benefit for both consumers and providers to ensure long-term success.

Our frameworks to help businesses transform their technology operations are done from a holistic point of view. We work with our clients to develop clear KPI’s, accountability and responsibility structures by taking end-to-end view of products, and key business and system processes.
Using the developed SLA frameworks as an input, we help our clients automate service level monitoring using “Cloud” and “Big Data” tools. The result takes the form of intuitive dashboards designed for operational use at one level to executive reporting on another. We find that these tools promote transparency in business operations, and trend analysis helps identify systemic issues that can be resolved with continuous improvement

One front we help providers of solutions develop SLA’s for their service portfolio. This exercise is driven by market norms, pricing metrics and models, and organisational execution capability and maturity. We also help customers develop back-to-back agreements with outsourcing and delivery partners within their value chain. On the other end of the scale we help customers define their SLA requirements, and facilitate and negotiate agreements with providers.
We help our clients transform service assurance and support processes, stabilise the data and infrastructure, which helps better manage the entire business. The potential benefits include increased speed to resolution rates, higher customer satisfaction levels, and reduced operating costs.

Our training portfolio takes the form of workshops, designed for product development and solution management departments to design supporting SLA’s and the necessary human and technology investments to match their product design. Our telecoms market experience has afforded us the unique opportunity to develop material that encompasses both industry and technology frameworks (eTOM and ITIL respectively).